Friday, March 26, 2010

Evaluation on my sliding door project and chart! :D

Evaluateing my sliding door flowchart!
This is my flow chart for my final design of my sliding door.

Good points about my sliding door chart!

You can see that the sensor is a lazer sensor, it is at the legth of your feet so it can detect people easaly. If you look close at my chart you can see that after the first person passes then a few other people pass it can detect it and keep it open for longer.

Bad points on my sliding door chart!

This sliding door might not be very good for offices or schools because there is no security code or card sensor .
That means that this door could be used in stores and in other places such as that.

I think that this door is not perfect but can be useful for people that have cruches or wheel chairs, because my door can detect when there is some other people passing.

Evaluated by: Nare Hakobyan!!! :D
Sliding door

My design is a laser sensor!

output needed....

  • door motor open
  • door motor close


  • is there somone passing through the beam
  • it there someone passing after the first person

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Flowchart project!

The last few weeks we have been making flowcharts using logicator!
I was working with the amazing shana inch. we have finished mostly all of our task exept for the last extensian one.

This week we will still be using logicator but we will be making our final sensor for our sliding doors.
We need to know what materials and what structure to make our sliding door with.

For logicator flowchart we need....

  • the outputs =to be open and close.
  • decisian = to ask if there is someone approuching
  • complex part= need a way to let the sensor know if something or one is stuck or traped in the door...

We have much work to do and i think this project will have many new and exciting sliding doors :D : )

Monday, February 8, 2010

Date: 5/o2/10

Last friday we looked at control and monetering.
We saw a power point explaining what it means and how it works. On the power point we could press things that showed us the process of control and monetering.

When we finished looking at that we talked about flowcharts, it's like the prosses.
We all had to make a flowchart on our final sliding door and finish it today.
Then make another on a burerlur alarm.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Get a Automatic Sliding Door Now!!!

  • Staring........ Nare Hakobyan
  • Old Lady .......... manayer al khalifa
  • Filmer......... Emily Bishko

Friday, January 15, 2010

What Did We do In Our Last C.T Class?

What did we do in our last C.T lesson?

We started the lesson with looking at the kind of information that we might need to know before starting the project. Aswell as making questions to answer. After that there were already 3 questions to answer in class. All the questions were about automatic sliding doors.

The answer's to the questions were in the sites he gave us to look at. When you wre done you could either look in the websites or look at other ones.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Analysis Of Task

What do we need to know before we start the project?

  • we need to know about all about sliding doors
  • research on different movement motion moneters

  • how we can make a model of the sliding door

  • what matireals you might need for the construction of a sliding door......
Where can we find out this information?
  • The internet
  • In books
  • Maybe a profesional or parent